Dissolving Dermal Filler

The procedure of dissolving dermal filler involves the removal or breakdown of previously injected dermal filler in order to correct or reverse its effects. This procedure is typically performed when an individual is unsatisfied with the results of their treatment or experiences complications.

The process of dissolving dermal filler involves the use of an enzyme called hyaluronidase. Hyaluronidase naturally occurs in the body to break down hyaluronic acid, which is the main component in most dermal fillers. By injecting hyaluronidase into the treated area, the enzyme works to break down the hyaluronic acid filler, allowing it to be absorbed and metabolised by the body.

Before the dissolving procedure, our clinicians will carefully assess the treated area and determine the appropriate amount of hyaluronidase to be injected. The enzyme is typically administered through a series of small injections directly into the area where the dermal filler was previously placed.

It is important to note that dissolving dermal filler is a specialised procedure that should only be performed by a trained and experienced healthcare professional. This ensures they have the knowledge and expertise to accurately assess the situation, determine the appropriate course of action and administer the dissolving treatment safely and effectively.

If you are considering dissolving dermal filler, we recommend a consultation with one of our experienced clinicians as the first step. This is to allow them to evaluate your specific situation and provide personalised advice, discuss the potential risks, benefits and expected outcomes of the procedure, and offer any alternative options that may be available to help you achieve your desired aesthetic results.

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Dermal fillers at Klinika, Erina

Treatment Information


What are the main applications?

The procedure of dissolving dermal filler involves the removal or breakdown of previously injected dermal filler in order to correct or reverse its effects. This procedure is typically performed when an individual is unsatisfied with the results of their treatment or experiences complications.


Where else can be treated?

Any location that has had dermal filler injected


What is the down time?

The effects of the dissolving process can vary depending on factors such as the type and amount of filler used, as well as the metabolism of an individual. In some cases, the effects of the dissolving procedure may be immediate, whilst in others, it may take a few days for the filler to fully dissolve.

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Klinika, Erina